Still time to think about the tests you should retake! Check ECHO to see what you need to work on. Here is a link to all the TEST CORRECTION sheets from the 3rd trimester. You can use them to help you study for a retest.
Math 7 – Class work and home practice![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fri., June 1 |
Class Learning Intention: Pizza survey. Today I will continue to build my understanding of Probability Home practice: Finish the Probability practice started in class Check odd answers in the SELECTED ANSWERS section of the book and come to class with questions about the problems you do not understand. |
Past class work and home practice | |
Wed., May 30 / Thurs., May 31 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will practice to increase my understanding of Probability Home practice: Probability practice |
Tues., May 29 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will learn about the Fundamental Counting Principal (video lesson); Lesson 9-5, page 757, Got It? problems (a) and (b) and Guided Practice problems #1-3 (Got It? and Guided Practice answers) [Today’s lesson plan] Home practice: Consumable page 761, #1-7 odds; page 764, #24 and 25 |
Fri., May 25 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will check my understanding of Probability; I will also do some Probability activities Home practice: Consumable page 738, problems #7-9 |
Wed., May 23 / Thurs., May 24 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will learn about Probability Simulations (Lesson 9-4) Home practice: Consumable pages 745 & 746, problems #1-6 |
Tues. May 22 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will check to see what work I need to do so I have a strong close to the year! Home practice: Use your ECHO account to see what test retakes to study for and what missing assignments to finish |
Mon. May 21 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will learn more about Compound Probability Home practice: Consumable page 737, #1-6 |
Fri. May 18 | Class Learning Intention: Today I will learn about the Probability of Compound Events (video link 1) (video link 2) and practice what I learned (practice) Home practice: Finish Probability of Compound Events practice from class |
Wed., May 16/ Thurs. May 17 | Learning Intention: Today I will take an inventory of my math skills Class work: Math Inventory Home practice: Check ECHO for missing assignments or tests to retake. |
Tues., May 15 | Learning Intention: I will experiment with Probability Class work: Experimental versus Theoretical Probability. (class activity sheet) Home practice: Experimental versus Theoretical Probability practice |
Mon., May 14 | Learning Intention: I will start exploring Probability Class work: Introduction to Probability-video; Probability practice (handout) Home practice: Finish Probability practice |
Fri., May 11 | Learning Intention: I will continue exploring Surface Area of Prisms Class work: More practice on Surface Area Home practice: Consumable page 669, #1-6 (yes, same as last night’s work) |
Wed., May 9 / Thurs., May 10 | Learning Intention: I will start exploring Surface Area of Prisms Class work: Discuss Monday’s Chapter 8 Test. Discuss last night’s homework. Start discussing Surface Area with this cool website. [Here is the activity sheet we used in class] Home practice: Consumable page 669, #1-6 |
Tues., May 8 | Learning Intention: I will practice finding Volume of Prisms and Pyramids Math 7 lesson notes to students – please read Class work: Correct last night’s home (correction video) review Volume of Prisms (video) and Pyramids (video); begin Prism and Pyramid practice, Consumable page 645, #11-13 and page 659, #16-18 |
Mon., May 7 | Learning Intention: I will show what I know about Circles Class work: Chapter 8 Test for Lessons 8-1 to 8-3 Home practice: Finish the Prism and Pyramid review problems. |
Fri., May 4 | Learning Intention: I will review Circumference and Area Class work: Review Circumference and Area of Circles; Area of Composite Figures (practice answers) Home practice: Study for Monday’s test, make your page of notes Test for Lessons 8-1 through 8-3 on Monday |
Thurs., May 3 | Learning Intention: I will review Circumference and Area Class work: Review, page 619, # 21, 23, 28; page 629, #21, 27; page 637, # 20, 21 Home practice: Consumable page 637, problems 15-18 Test for Lessons 8-1 through 8-3 on Monday |
Mon., Apr. 23 / Wed., May 2 | Learning Intention: I will review Circumference and Area Class work: Review Home practice: Read 20 minutes! |
Fri., Apr. 20 | AGGIES go to the Sac Zoo! |
Wed., Apr. 18 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Volume of Pyramids
Class work: Volume of Pyramids |
Tues., Apr. 17 | Learning Intention: I will “show what I know” about measuring geometric figures. Class work: Chapter 8 Quiz Home practice: Problem Solving Investigation, case #1 and #2, pages 647 and 648 |
Mon., Apr. 16 | Learning Intention: I will see what I know about Measuring Geometric Figures
Class work: Chapter 8 Mid-Chapter Check (page 650), start your quiz notes (Mid-Chapter Check answers) |
Fri., Apr. 13 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Volume of Prisms
Class work: Today’s lesson; Composite Figures homework correction; Volume of Prisms (Lesson 8-4) – video lesson |
Wed., April 11 / Thurs., Apr. 12 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Area of Composite Figures
Class work: Area of Composite Figures (Lesson 8-3) |
Tues., April 10 | Learning Intention: I will learn more about the Geometry of Circles
Class work: Area of Circles (Lesson 8-2) |
Mon., April 9 | Learning Intention: I will learn about the Geometry of Circles
Class work: Circumference (Lesson 8-1) |
Fri., April 6 | Learning Intention: I will get ready to learn about Measuring Figures
Class work: Complete the Chapter 8 Review (page 699) [Instructions for Chapter 8 Review]; start the Chapter 8 Are You Ready (page 610) [Are You Ready correction video] |
Wed., April 4 / Thurs., April 5 | Learning Intention: I will show what I know on the Chapter 7 test
Class work: Chapter 7 Test |
Tues., April 3 | Learning Intention: I will review for the Chapter 7 test
Class work: Chapter 7 Practice test correction video; Monday Review problem answers |
Mon., April 2 | Learning Intention: I will review for the Chapter 7 test
Class work: Review problems |
Fri., Mar. 23 | Learning Intention: I will learn more about Three-Dimensional figures
Class work: Parts of Three-Dimensional Figures (Lesson 7-6) Be sure to check the odd answers in the Selected Answers section of your book |
Wed., Mar. 21 / Thurs., Mar. 22 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Draw Three-Dimensional figures
Class work: Drawing Three-Dimensional Figures (Lesson 7-5) |
Tues., Mar. 20 | Learning Intention: I will learn more about Scale Drawings
Class work: Chapter 7 Quiz; Scale Drawings (Lesson 7-4) |
Mon., Mar. 19 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Scale Drawings
Class work: Scale Drawings (Lesson 7-4) |
Fri., Mar. 16 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Triangles
Class work: More Triangles (Lesson 7-3) |
Wed., Mar. 14 / Thurs., Mar. 15 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Triangles
Class work: Triangles (Lesson 7-3) |
Tues., Mar. 13 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Angles
Class work: Complementary and Supplementary Angles (Lesson 7-2) |
Mon., Mar. 12 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Angles
Class work: More Classifying Angles (Lesson 7-1) |
Fri., Mar. 9 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Angles
Class work: Classifying Angles (Lesson 7-1) |
Wed., Mar. 7/ Thurs., Mar 8 | Class work: Chapter 6 Test Home practice: Read for 20 minutes |
Tues., Mar. 6 | Class work: Use this video to correct the Chapter 6 Practice Test; work on your page of test notes Home practice: Study for the Chapter 6 Test – be sure you make your page of notesChapter 6 Test next class session |
Mon., Mar. 5 | Class work: Discuss the Pre-Practice Test; start the Chapter 6 Practice test Home practice: Finish the Chapter 6 Practice Test Chapter 6 Test Wednesday/Thursday |
Fri., Mar. 2 | Learning Intention: I will start reviewing for the Chapter 6 test
Class work: Discuss last night’s homework; start the Chapter 6 Pre-Practice test Chapter 6 Test Wednesday/Thursday |
Wed., Feb. 28/ Thurs., Mar. 1 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Inequalities
Class work: Student Voice Survey; discuss last night’s homework; Inequalities lesson and practice |
Tues., Feb. 27 | Learning Intention: I will continue studying Two-Step Equations
Class work: Student Voice Survey; discuss last night’s homework (WORKED OUT ANSWERS); More Two-Step Equations (Lesson 6-5) |
Mon., Feb. 26 | Learning Intention: I will start learning about Two-Step Equations
Class work: Student Voice Survey; Two-Step Equations (Lesson 6-4) |
Fri., Feb. 23 | Learning Intention: I will learn additional ways to Solve Equations
Class work: Student Voice Survey; Working Backwards to solve problems |
Wed., Feb. 21/ Thurs., Feb. 22 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Solve Two-Step Equations
Class work: Two-Step Equation Inquiry Lab. Jaden (milk chocolate creams), Mr. Willmarth (dark chocolate truffles) |
Tues., Feb. 20 | Learning Intention: I will practice Solving Equations
Class work: Practicing One-Step Equations, Consumable page 443, problems 26-34. |
Wed., Feb 14/ Thurs., Feb. 15 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Solve Equations with Multiplication and Division
Class work: Practicing Addition and Subtraction One-Step Equations; introduction into Multiplication and Division One-Step Equations |
Tues., Feb 13 | Learning Intention: I will learn more about equations
Class work: Solving One-Step Equations with Addition and Subtraction (Lesson 6-1) |
Mon., Feb 12 | Learning Intention: I will start learning about equations
Class work: Correct and discuss Chapter 5 Test, practice changing Subtraction to Addition by Adding the Opposite. |
Fri., Feb 9 | Learning Intention: I will “Show What I Know” on the Chapter 5 Test
Class work: Chapter 5 Test |
Wed., Feb. 7 / Thurs., Feb. 8 | Learning Intention: I will kick butt on the Math Inventory
Class work: Take the Math Inventory [Enter your MI score] |
Tues., Feb 6 | Learning Intention: I will prepare to do my best on the Chapter 5 Test
Class work: Check your answers on the Chapter 5 Practice Test, work on test notes for Friday. Chapter 5 Test Friday |
Mon., Feb 5 | Learning Intention: I will prepare to do my best on the Chapter 5 Test Class work: Discuss Factoring practice; start Chapter 5 Practice Test Home practice: Finish Chapter 5 Practice Test Chapter 5 Test Friday |
Fri., Feb 2 | Learning Intention: I will get better at Factoring Linear Expressions
Class work: Factoring Linear Expressions. |
Thurs., Feb 1 / Wed., Jan. 31 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Factor Linear Expressions
Class work: more Subtracting Linear Expressions; Factoring Linear Expressions. |
Tues., Jan. 30 | Learning Intention: I will Show What I know on the Chapter quiz
Class work: Chapter 5 Quiz; more Subtracting Linear Expressions. |
Mon., Jan. 29 | Learning Intention: I will practice Subtracting Expressions.
Class work: Introduction to Subtracting Linear Expressions. Chapter 5 Quiz tomorrow on Lessons 5-1 through 5-5. You can have one page of notes |
Fri., Jan. 26 | Learning Intention: I will practice the Distributive Property and Adding Expressions.
Class work: More Distributive Property and Adding Linear Expressions. Chapter 5 Quiz Tuesday on Lessons 5-1 through 5-5. You can have one page of notes |
Thurs., Jan. 25 / Wed., Jan. 24 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Add Linear Expressions.
Class work: Adding Linear Expressions, |
Tues., Jan. 23 | Learning Intention: I will practice the Distributive Property.
Class work: More Distributive Property, |
Mon., Jan. 22 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to use the Distributive Property.
Class work: Introduce the Distributive Property (Lesson 5-5) |
Fri., Jan. 19 | Learning Intention: I will practice Simplifying Algebraic Expressions by Combining Like Terms
Class work: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions (Lesson 5-5) |
Wed., Jan. 17 and Thurs. Jan 18 | Learning Intention: I will work with coworkers at Viva Pinata!
Class work: Combining Like Terms |
Tues., Jan. 16 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Properties of Operations.
Class work: Create Properties of Operations (Lesson 5-3) flashcards |
Fri., Jan. 12 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Sequences.
Class work: Sequences (Lesson 5-2) |
Wed., Jan. 10 and Thurs. Jan 11 | Learning Intention: I will start exploring Algebraic Expressions.
Class work: Algebraic Expressions (Lesson 5-1) |
Tues., Jan. 9 | Learning Intention: I will start exploring what I am Passionate about.
Class work: Go to the Thrively site. Complete Strength Assessment, complete the Strength Assessment Journal entry, and begin working on the Find Your Passion course. [Stuck, here are some more detailed instructions] |
Mon., Jan. 8, 2018 | Learning Intention: I will learn more about my Strengths and Interests.
Class work: Welcome back! Introduction to Thrively. |
Fri., Dec. 15 | Learning Intention: I will continue graphing on the coordinate plane.
Class work: Holiday coordinate graphing. |
Wed., Dec. 13 and Thurs., Dec. 14 | Learning Intention: I will practice graphing on the coordinate plane.
Class work: Correct Chapter 4 Test. |
Tues., Dec. 12 | Learning Intention: I will show what I know.
Class work: Chapter 4 Test. |
Mon., Dec. 11 | Learning Intention: I continue reviewing for tomorrow’s Chapter 4 test.
Class work: Discuss Chapter 4 Practice test. Finish test review CHAPTER 4 TEST on TUESDAY. Notes will be turned in with the test. |
Fri., Dec. 8 | Learning Intention: I continue reviewing for next Tuesday’s Chapter 4 test.
Class work: Fraction and Decimal Equivalent Quick Quiz. Begin Chapter 4 Practice test CHAPTER 4 TEST on TUESDAY |
Wed., Dec. 6 and Thurs., Dec. 7 |
Learning Intention: I will learn to code.
Class work: Go to the Hour of Code site. Create a account (upper right-hand corner of the screen), pick an activity (fill this out so I know which activities students tried) and start coding! |
Tues. Dec. 5 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Dividing Fractions.
Class work: Watch this Dividing Fractions video and then work on this practice page. |
Mon. Dec. 4 | Learning Intention: I will learn about Reciprocals and Dividing Fractions.
Class work: Fraction and Decimal Equivalents Quick Check (log results); Reciprocals and Dividing Fractions |
Fri. Dec. 1 | Learning Intention: I will continue to practice Multiplying Fractions.
Class work: Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers Quick Quiz; more practice Multiplying Fractions. |
Wed., Nov. 29 and Thurs. Nov. 30 | Learning Intention: I will review and practice Multiplying Fractions.
Class work: Discuss and collect Subtracting Mixed Numbers (practice page); review and practice Multiplying Fractions. |
Tues., Nov. 28 | Learning Intention: I will practice Subtracting Mixed Numbers.
Class work: Subtracting Mixed Numbers (practice page). |
Mon., Nov. 27 | Learning Intention: I will practice Subtracting Mixed Numbers.
Class work: Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers Quick Check (log your results); Start watching Subtracting Mixed Numbers (using rectangles to illustrate renaming) |
Fri., Nov. 17 | Learning Intention: I will practice Adding Mixed Numbers.
Class work: Review and practice Adding Mixed Numbers. |
Wed., Nov. 15 and Thurs., Nov. 16 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers.
Class work: Adding and Subtracting Fractions – Quick Check (log your results); Discuss and practice Adding Mixed Numbers. |
Tues., Nov. 14 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators.
Class work: Discuss and practice Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators (practice page). |
Mon., Nov. 13 | Learning Intention: I will learn to Add and Subtract Like Fractions.
Class work: Take Fraction Pre-test 2 and record your results. Turn in Fraction / Decimal practice page. |
Wed., Nov. 8 and Thurs., Nov. 9 | Learning Intention: I will practice my skills with Fractions and Decimals.
Class work: Student Voices Survey; Fraction pre-test (not graded!); Practice converting Fractions and Decimals. |
Tues., Nov. 7 | Learning Intention: I will practice my skills with Terminating and Repeating Decimals.
Class work: Discuss and practice Terminating and Repeating Decimals. Class and partner practice, page 267, problems 1-16. |
Mon., Nov. 6 | Learning Intention: I will assess my understanding of Integers and Absolute Value.
Class work: Chapter 3 Test |
Fri., Nov. 3 | Learning Intention: I will develop my skills of solving Absolute Value problems.
Class work: Practice Absolute Value [page 193, Got It! problems e, f, g; page 194, 4-6; page 195, 7-9; page 197, 22-27] [answers to the Absolute Value practice] Integer and Absolute Value test Monday |
Wed., Nov. 1 and Thurs., Nov. 2 | Learning Intention: I will assess my skills of Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers.
Class work: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers quiz; intro Absolute Value QUIZ Wed. and Thurs. – Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers |
Tues., Oct. 31 | Learning Intention: I will practice my skills of Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers.
Class work: Practice Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers. QUIZ Wed. and Thurs. – Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Integers |
Mon., Oct. 30 | Learning Intention: I will improve my Subtracting Integers skills.
Class work: Discuss Practice Subtracting Integers. More practice |
Thurs., Oct. 26 | Learning Intention: I will improve my Subtracting Integers skills.
Class work: Practice Subtracting Integers. Quick check on Adding and Subtracting Integers – NOT GRADED |
Wed., Oct. 25 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to Subtract Integers.
Class work: Start the video lesson for Subtracting Integers. |
Tues., Oct. 24 | Learning Intention: I will hone my skills at Adding Integers.
Class work: Practice Adding Integers. |
Mon., Oct. 23 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to Add Integers.
Class work: Start the video lesson on Adding Integers. |
Mon., Oct. 9 – Fri., Oct. 20 |
School closed due to Napa fires and dangerously poor air quality |
Fri, Oct. 6 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to calculate Discounts.
Class work: Discuss and practice Discounts; page 163, problems 1-6. |
Thurs., Oct. 5 and Wed., Oct. 4 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to calculate Tax, Tips, and Markups.
Class work: Discuss and practice Sales Tax, Tips, and Markups; page 155, problems 1-6. |
Tues., Oct. 3 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to calculate Percent of Change.
Class work: Discuss and practice Percent of Change; page 147, problems 1-6, page 148, problems 11 & 13. |
Mon., Oct. 2 | Learning Intention: I will check my understanding of finding percentages.
Class work: Finish, correct, and discuss Chapter 2 Quiz; introduce Percent of Change. |
Fri., Sept. 30 | Class work: Chapter 2 Quiz Home practice: Check the Echo gradebook for missing assignments. Monday is the last day to turn in late work for credit on the Trimester-1 progress report. |
Thurs., Sept. 28 and Wed., Sept. 27 | Learning Intention: I will prepare for Friday’s quiz and learn more about how my brain works.
Class work: Review Percent Proportion; Start a page of notes for Friday’s quiz; Complete LearnStorm Activity #3 |
Tues., Sept. 26 | Learning Intention: I will be able to use the Percent Proportion to solve a variety of percentage problems.
Class work: More Percent Proportion (lesson 2-3) Percent Proportion practice |
Mon., Sept. 25 | Learning Intention: I will learn several ways to find the percent of a number.
Class work: The Percent Proportion (lesson 2-3) |
Fri., Sept. 22 | Learning Intention: I will learn how to estimate percentages so I can see if the actual answers make sense.
Class work: Percent and Estimation (lesson 2-2) |
Thurs., Sept. 21 and Wed., Sept. 20 | Learning Intention: I will examine research on brain development and learn how to use on-line resources to support my learning.
Class work: Sign up for Khan Academy and join a class; Complete LearnStorm Activities #1 AND #2; Finding a Percentage |
Tues., Sept. 19 | Class work: Continue Percent Inquiry Lab, Introduce Percent of a Number (lesson 2-1) Home practice: Consumable pages 107 & 108, problems 1-11, 22-24 |
Mon., Sept. 18 | Class work: Discuss Chapter 1 test; Percent Diagrams (Inquiry Lab) Home practice: Consumable page 109, problems 27-35 |
Friday, Sept. 15 | Class work: Introduce Percent of a Number (lesson 2-1) Home practice: Consumable pages 107-108, problems 1-11, 22-24 |
Thurs., Sept. 14 and Wed., Sept. 13 | Class work: Take Math Inventory check-up (non-graded) Home practice: Read for an extra 20 minutes |
Tues., Sept. 12 | Class work: Finish Chapter 1 Test; Start discussing Percents (Percentages intro and Practice) Class notes Home practice: Finish today’s Percentages intro and Practice |
Mon., Sept. 11 | Class work: Chapter 1 Test Home practice: Check your grade in Echo to see if you have any missing work. |
Friday, Sept. 8 | Class work: Chapter 1 Review Home practice: Study for the Chapter 1 test on Monday. Bring one page of note (one side) for the test. [ ![]() ![]() |
Thurs., Sept. 7 & Wed., Sept. 6 | Class work: Discuss Proportion Practice, Chapter 1 on-line Practice Test (check homework at Ed Connect website) Home practice: M7-Chapter 1 Practice Test (handout) |
Tuesday, September 5 | Class work: Consumable page 60, problems 10; Proportion Practice – DO THE WORK ON THE PRACTICE PAGE OR IN YOUR SPIRAL NOTEBOOK Home practice: Proportion Practice |
Friday, September 1 | Class work: Get Chapter 1 Quiz back, introduce Solving Proportional Relationships (lesson 1-6) Home practice: Consumable pages 59-62, problems 1-4, 16-19, 23, 25 Check odd answers in the SELECTED ANSWERS section of the book and come to class with questions about the problems you do not understand. |
Thursday, Aug. 31 and Wednesday, Aug. 30 | Class work: Log into your Connect ED account and go to homework. Complete the Self-check: Graphing Proportional Relationships (do the work in your spiral), then explore Online tutoring video- Graphing Proportional Relationships (go to homework in the menu ![]() Home practice: Watch Solve Proportional Relationships intro (available in English and Spanish), do page 55, sections 1-3 |
Tuesday, Aug. 29 | Class work: Chapter 1 Quiz Home practice: Finish Consumable pages 49-51, problems 1-3, 7, 9-11 |
Monday, Aug. 28
Class work: Graph Proportional Nonproportional Relationships (lesson 1-5) Quiz tomorrow on Unit Rate and Proportional Relationships (lessons 1-1 and 1-2) Home practice: Consumable pages 49-51, problems 1-3, 7, 9-11 Check odd answers in the SELECTED ANSWERS section of the book and come to class with questions about the problems you do not understand. |
Friday, Aug. 25 | Class work: Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships (lesson 1-4) Home practice: Consumable pages 37-40, problems 3, 4, 7, 14-22 |
Thurs., Aug. 24 and Wed., Aug. 23 |
Class work: Get chromebooks, on-line Self-Check and Geometer Sketchpad Home practice: Explore the ![]() |
Tuesday, August 22 | Class work: Continue Rates (lesson 1-1) Home practice: Consumable pages 14 & 15, problems 15, 18-22 |
Monday, August 21 | Class work: Turn in the Mathography 2017, get consumable textbook, Introduce Rates (lesson 1-1) Home practice: Consumable pages 13-16, problems 1-5, 10, 12, 23-27 |
Friday, August 18 |
Class work: Discuss the Chicken-Fox Corn puzzle, discuss the home practice grading policy, introduce the Mathography Home practice: Complete the Mathography 2017 |
Thursday, August 17 |
Class work: Introduce the Chicken-Fox-Corn puzzle Home practice: Work on the The Fox-Chicken-Corn puzzle. |
Wednesday, August 16 |
Class work: Welcome to AGGIE Math! Home practice: Have your parents sign up for Remind. |